Saturday 4 June 2011

Featured Item : Braided Bracelet with Little Pendants #JB000103

Braided Bracelet with Little Pendants  #JB000103

Harini afni akan buat sedikit review pasal bracelet ni yg sgt la supercute. Soryy because I'm not really a good writer but this is just my own opinion. Dan sorry jugak kalau afni tulis campur2 sebab sometimes tak pandai buat ayat dalam melayu and sometimes tak pandai wat ayat dalam english. Haha. So don't hate me please. Ok back to the featured item. Mungkin ramai lagi di kalangan kita yang tak biasa pakai akesesori2 yg mcm ni. Tapi kalau kita tgk kat hollywood or maybe jugak kat Korea..?? :))) Aksesori ni dah lama femes.

Nicole Richie wears it..!

Butik Juicy Couture di Pavillion ade menjual pelbagai jenis charm bracelet dan braided bracelet mcm ni dalam harga di antara RM100 - RM300++. I'm not sure if other brands have it but the Juicy Couture version is so popular and so pretty. Personally, I really2 love this type of bracelet. But of course, the price is so expensive. So we have to find the cheaper version of the accessories. 

Juicy Couture version of braided bracelet.

At Demisofea you can buy something similar to this at a very cheap price. Of course la bukan 100% sama.. tp tetap cantik bila dipakai. Afni suka sangat2 dan afni sendiri ada warna pink bracelet ni. Kalau nak tengok afni pakai boleh tengok dalam gambar posting sebelum ni. Kat bawah ni afni letak gambar2 bracelet ni yg afni ambik sendiri untuk dilihat dgn lebih dekat.Tapi sebelum tu afni nak cerita sikit tentang kelebihan bracelet mcm ni. Bracelet ni kalau kita tengok..dia ialah rope.. so kita just ikat around our hand and it doesn't matter if you have big hands or small hands, u can wear them..!

Even the little ones can wear it.
A closer look

The cheap version where you can buy from Demisofea
The pearl pendant

The key pendant

The love pendant

So mcm mane.. you all berminat tak..? Harganya cuma RM18 dan selain warna maroon5 ni ada jugak warna merahjambu, biru, putih, coklat dan jugak  hitam. Kalau berminat boleh leave a comment or just pegi kat untuk beli bracelet ni. :)) Thanks for reading this short review...!

More bracelets at

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